A decentralized community will allow us to scale much faster, and remain unbiased and authentic forever. We have a seed of over a 1000 trust worthy cousins, so "hijacking" the network to insert biases is practically impossible. And the community gets rewarded for maintaining itself - accepting / rejecting applications to join, reviewing new content, making sure the local community is diverse and true to the city's nature.
Which leads me to the next reason - our rewarding engine. While people are able to get concierge / travel agent services from their cousins, many come because we offer great magazine-level content and recommendations. This is currently achieved by manually vet for every cousin and every recommendation. Our reward engine will reward users and cousins for improving the content of the ecosystem (taking better pictures of spots, correcting typos, reporting erroneous data etc), to keep the ecosystem fresh and clean for everyone to enjoy.
Tokenizing and decentralizing help achieve both
I’d add that the way we’ve designed Cool Cousin on the blockchain allows us to make a personalized service affordable to all while keeping it authentic and unbiased. At the same time, most experts in the travel industry will tell you that one of the biggest challenges any company in this space has to face is organic growth - we have a great organic growth channels and tokenizing them would be a huge boost to success