notice how it has the up votes but was deleted because it exposed the crypt cast as BUNK!
So it seems Koolio Pr0m3theus and MoosaNYC are wanting to be rich while scamming people - F that glad I got out on the first rise but ashamed it was at the cost of others now
Thats a nice load of garbage.
What's garbage? This analysis?
Why are you so bent on fudding? Whats your motive? And dont tell me its out of the kind of your heart caring for our investments. If you really cared about our investments, you'd stop trying to drive the price down, not that its working.
I don't care about your investments. It is none of my business. I'm just interested in seeing a concept that could offer true anonymity (even if only in theory) when fully developed. That's all. The hype around CryptCoin looked very promising and so a landed in this thread.
If that's the case then sit back and wait, why waste your time fudding?
Because I think that much better anonymity solutions can be developed if the whole development process is completely open and transparent and it is led by non anonymous and non shady developers that have name, credentials, references in the field of security etc.