I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to say here. I know what are the advantages and exceptional features STeX has, but to think that there is no competition is rather naive. Crypto exchanges space is getting more and more crowded, with lots of new players aiming for the same goal - to grab significant number of users. STeX can have the best product out there, but without traders and market makers it will be just another exchange. That said, I hope the team deliver and next year we will be celebrating.
There will be really few competitors who will be able to compete with STeX. Especially in the first 1-3 years since the final release. What do the most traders want? Low commissions and liquidity! Do you know any exchange out there, which has the A2A technology and the commission of 0,1% and which is able to aggregate the liquidity from other echanges and so coexist with them? I don't! So the only work STeX has to do at the end is to become known to these traders. I'm sure not few of them with brains immediately will switch to STeX if they fully understand the advantages and will never come back again neither to the traditional exchanges nore to the illiquid DEXes.