Since lots of people were asking us about elaborating eInc use-cases in our communities, support groups and telegram channels, we've decided to put them together here:
eInc use-cases:
1. One can create trusted, resilient and democratic virtual organizations on eInc platform. eInc is the DAO 2.0.
2. eInc offers a new standard of conducting a scam-proof trustless crowdsale as funds raised in the crowdsale will be tied to proposals that requires voting from investors and shareholders.
3. eInc Blockchain is 2.5x faster than Ethereum. So all Ethereum dApps can easily migrate to eInc and become better, faster, secure and inexpensive.
4. Securing Elections with Blockchain: Votes are secure, transparent and impossible to forge.
#einc #ethereumfork
eInc is the blockchain platform to create and operate DAOs - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.
Reserve your own eInc here: in our presale here: