Wow - the poll wording has changed again. All the old results are gone, it seems, and I didn't bother to make a copy of the first (or second) versions of the poll.
In fairness, this latest version seems much more reasonable than the first two, but after all the trollish shenanigans in the thread, I'm ultra-wary of agendas in play.;viewResultsJust in case it changes again, the current question is "Which top 10 crypto do you feel is most likely to change its political policies in a way that affects a majority of its community members negatively."
Edit: Update - a poster Shrikez noted the original wording of the poll question and objected when it changed to the second version:
"The original question was: "Which gets CALLED scam most often", now it's "which do you feel IS the biggest scam."" latest revised thread title still hints at the trollish nature of the early versions: "POLL - Which crypto do you feel is the biggest "scam"? - - REVISED 4 ACCURACY -"