Just thought I would pop in and let you all know I am in the finishing stages of this website www.dashmasternode.org.
I designed it as I didn't feel there was something that promotes the investment aspects of masternodes as well as teach you how to get started with one. So I have basically combined a lot of masternode information into one site so people can easily understand what a masternode is and how to start their own.
Feel free to check it out and critique it and don't be afraid to share it around social media
Looks nice. First thing I noticed is https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DOC/Masternode+guides seems broken. Maybe better link to the forum section with masternode guides. Also you may want to link to this fantastic guide https://dashtalk.org/threads/guide-simple-masternode-on-a-windows-machine.7956/
Also, I don't see a topic on dashtalk about your site. If you discuss it there you might get more reactions.
You're missing Exmo in the list of exchanges.
this is the link he is looking for