Date: 24/12/2015 01:41
To: pille Xnu9vcCAZYNozX7ypFt2rLi3TFnbTUMX3Q
Debit: -40.00000000 DASH
Transaction fee: -0.00100000 DASH
Net amount: -40.00100000 DASH
Transaction ID: 70d2485b384fb0e2a43e91f369966ab2f25b1971f5c03480defcf0b24cf61567-000
Thank you very much, thats a nice amount for a small fish like me, I really appreciate it The time will come when I have to change the layout for you because your total value run out of space And I have to add separators.
YVW! Good karma as it's looking even better today
& that's without adding on the last few hours rewards which make it:
I'm going to need a dedicated screen for this I can see