I hate twitter and don't even have an account. You should reply that the future already exists with #dashpay
I think that the arrival of payment channels was always inevitable - regardless of the performance characteristics of the crypto.
However, the significant thing about what's happening in the bitcoin realm is the abandonment of protocol development. That means the currency is basically unusable at any industrial level as a mass cash medium, independently of all the third party rigging thats starting to emerge all around it.
It's the 3rd party rigging that the commercial realm will be interacting with - not the blockchain directly. The space will be wide open therefore for a technology which picks up bitcoin's original brief: mass peer-to-peer support. (as opposed to peer-to-
3rd party payment channel-to-peer).
The requirement specification for such a monetary medium would ideally read as follows:
[1] - be largely bitcoin compatible in terms of wallet technology, network interfaces, compatibility with open source extensions etc
[2] - inherit at least bitcoin's level of transparency and public-blockchain accountability
[2] - support instant transactions natively, without recourse to third party payment channels
[3] - support mass-adoption capacity scaling requirements natively without recourse to third party payment channels
Thats just for a start, but it would help if such a hypothetical monetary asset were also to improve upon a couple of other inhibitors to adoption and technical progress that bitcoin carries:
[4] - support natively enhanced coin supply mixing to finally push the currency to full fungibility without recourse to loss of transparency
[5] - decentralise the governance of blockchain maintenance and development to eliminate consensus deadlocks amongst developers
I'd say if someone could come up with something that met all those requirements, that would be my ideal future number one candidate for dominating the independently sustainable electronic money space.