2015-04-24 08:43:46 CDarksendPool::UpdateState() - Can't set state to ERROR or SUCCESS as a Masternode.
Why?? Masternode works but.
what is your proof of service score of yr masternode ? (check here, last column on the right : https://dashninja.pl/masternodes.html)
My Score is "0".
Best to keep yr IP adress to yrself. I checked my own debug.log and i also found these messages so i wouldnt be too worried about them
and with a score 0 your MN is running fine. I would keep an eye on the size of your debug.log as 4gb is very very high. I compared it with
my own MN's debug.log and that build up to 18.6 MB over a period of two weeks.....
Yes my Debug.log was 4 month old and hat 2500000 Lines. My Traffic (24h) is 7gb!
best to check the size of your debug.log weekly and delete the debug.log if its getting too big or run dashd with the -printtoconsole commandline option, this will stop the debug.log from getting created but then you will not build up any debug info... your choice.