Thanks for that.
I don't think people will realise for a while just how big this is.
I have just started looking into the concept of crypto and torrents and I think this is one of those areas that will push bitcoin prices, and altcoin prices along with it, to new highs. Coinbase getting regulated. Forget ETFs. This is the next big news explosion for bitcoin and bitcoin prices.
Just look at how many torrent clients got downloaded over the last year or two
People love to download stuff, for free.
Take into account sensitive information leaks, and bitcoin will be in the media every single day. Front page news, every news channel. Every major leak will be broadcast around the world - the latest leak and how to find it.
If confidential commercial information gets posted into Bitcoin and ransom demands are made and people want paying in Bitcoin, then businesses will be buying tens of thousands of bitcoins in order to pay ransoms.
If BTC doesn't go to $10,000 over the next few years, then I'll shag a sheep.
This will likely cause political pressure to shutdown Bitcoin. Vested interests will pour money into lobby groups. They will stuff millions into the coffers of politicians to bring in new laws to ban Bitcoin.
While I think Bitcoin will still go to $10,000/BTC, I think Darkcoin will see an even bigger rise as the focus of attention shifts to something that is harder to track and therefore potentially harder to shutdown than BTC. Why?
I can see a time when Senator's call up a blockchain and say look, that's the transaction that contains details of all our secret missile bases. Shut the fuckers down or American will become an easy target.