Web 3.0 (DarkTor for a little while longer)
Updated thinking from a few challenges on value
Current coin supply is 4.5m
Using 1,000 DRKs to create a MN (this could be changed at any time in the future to link it to, say, $5k per MN)
Assuming we get 2,250 MNs (we already have over 600 just to process privacy mixing).
Assuming we can charge $0.5 / day (about $180 / year)
Assuming average users per day reaches 1m (Tor currently has about 2.2m)
$500k daily revenue split by 2,250 MNs.
Annual revenue per MN = $81k.
Say, costs are $20k.
Profit = $61k.
Profit / Earning multiple (effectively how long you are prepared to wait to get your investment back) = 10
As an investment, each MN would be worth $611k.
As people accept prices rise, this does not take into account increases in costs or revenue.
As MNs are expected to add additional services, for example BTC <> DRK exchanges (I've considered the regulatory issues, and from my current understanding, regulators don't see crypto to crypto as an exchange; only crypto to fiat or fiat to crypto)
So, with other services, each MN could have an investment value of $600k to $1.2m.
As to the issue of causing shortage of DRKs, as Sir Crouton has pointed out, we just change where the decimal point sits.
Bitcoin has max supply of 21m. Bitcoin is intended to transact $billions if not $Trillions. So it was always the case that 21m coins would be segmented down, thereby increasing liquidity. Same for DRK. Its a non-issue.
MN = Infrastructure, which is optional.
DRK = currency
edit. more challenges please.
This is the sort of approach that gets new investors into crypto. I want some more robust arguments for and against.
DRK can be worth $billions with something tangible like this.
Please let me add that with the sustainable development project non-profit startup that provides DRK to all the children of the world, within a definable amount of years everyone on the planet will be a shareholder and stockholder of the Web 3.0. This would help bring people together in so many ways.
One way for example, when you make a payment to someone a window could pop up and announce a new important vote concerning the development or laws of Web 3.0, because eventually every person will have Darkcoin and the wallets are free, we could link the .dat file to an encrypted identifier for voting and ask for your vote on a proposal, for, against, no vote, etc. This would eventually solve the problem of governing the internet and votes could be redone at later times if general sentiment changes and to verify the veracity of the purported change. This could eventually be extended to other votes such as country wide votes, global votes or used for surveys, if you click the box allowing this. (
which I would only do for municipal affairs, at least for now ) Eventually, countries could use this feature to run elections with less corruption and in a very efficient manner where people would no longer need to move to go vote and would not forget about it the day of the election, be lazy, etc. thus reducing absenteeism level in elections over time which is a major concern of democracy. The implementation of these concepts is only a question of time in my opinion and it will be very important to create an alternative system of reference for those who choose to use it.
Especially in light of issues such as these and the fact that they are not passing by such a voting system: