On the other hand there are lots of smart people staying away from darkcoin who normally love privacy and anonymity. People like Andreas Antonop, Taaki even Gmaxwell. Personally, I think the darkcoin code works and is bloody brilliant but the closed source nature is driving talent away. Also, you guys are going to hate me for saying this but the name divides. Maybe that's what you guys want and I'm not bothered by it but uninformed people will tend to assume sinister motives simply because of the word dark. Ok, some of you will say we don't care; let Evan finish coding and we'll stick with the name. In that case, we can't complain about the current price. And I know many of you don't care about price. But it all adds up.
The problem is that these people are arrogant and refuse to make concessions for reality.
How long was BTC developed and conceptualized in total secrecy? How long did Satoshi keep it entirely to himself?
DRK is being conceived in the open. We're observing with DRK the portions where even other current shitcoin clones are kept entirely under wraps.
We're seeing more of the development cycle in DRK than has ever been seen in any other crypto, ever. The problem is that most people are too stupid to realize that "launch" for everything else they've seen, and "launch" for DRK are NOT at ALL the same starting point.
The code may be closed, but the entire project isn't; as has always been the case before, and even currently with imitators. It's not just for the sake of stopping copypasta bullshit, but the fact that it's just not ready to be open sourced. We're seeing the pre-launch stuff that no one ever sees. We've been given a glimpse into a process historically kept entirely under wraps. And people are complaining that it isn't Open Source? The problem with these people is that they fail to grasp the concept, or they do in fact know better, but are using the fact that most people do not to push their agenda. The parties opting-out of DRK becasue it is "closed source" are only showing their hand in pimping their own pet shitcoins.
The bottom line is that no other coin has had open source code at the point of inception. No other coin has had a development process that anyone even knew about! DRK has let the community in on part of that and so the ignorant dicks complain that they didn't get everything while ignoring the reality that it's more than they ever got from any other coin in this stage of development.
When it's ready to be Open Sourced, it will be. Just like everything else. The only difference is that Evan let the world look through the window early, so they ignorantly presumed it was
that far along when it was not. Now they complain that it's not open source at a stage when nothing else ever was, either...
In my view, the reverse is happening. The drk team is saying these are our rules and if you want anonymity you must buy drk. In return we give you Btc api compatibility, proven resistant nodes and anonymity. But this is closed source until we perfect it.
Well, the market is calling your bluff. They are saying, we will make our own solution until you make this open source and we are staying away from this "investment scheme".
It's a matter of perception. And few people are good at having an accurate one.
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw.
this works in Psychology 101: Projection, as well. Those who fail to see reality as it is, often project the notion that it is not as they wish by some malevolent well. Democrats blame Republicans for the Laws of Physics, it's a Right Wing Conspiracy! It's the foundation of all good propaganda... If you're unhappy, it's not that you're in defiance of reality, oh no no no! You are NOT responsible for yourself! It's some dirty bastard making it that way... Name that person as your enemy and hate them! Blame them for everything! Become entitled to what is theirs. Be frustrated and angry! Commit violence in your own communities, then blame that on the other guy, too!
The world was let in early to observe a process that no one else ever saw in any other coin, either. Since they lack the awareness and intelligence to realize that's what happened, they think DRK is closed source and react accordingly. They're wrong, but their reactionb is still their reaction. The market is people reacting. People's reactions are based on their perceptions. Their perceptions are inaccurate because they are stupid. Same reason people fall for gun control. It's dumb as shit, but if they're fed lies and false information, they'll make decisions and form opinions based on that false information. Even the smartest brain comes to stupid conclusions when it's being operated on bad information. Think of it like a race car engine. Pump water into it instead of gas, and it doesn't work worth a shit no matter how good it is... So is the human brain. You can have the best brain ever made, pump it full of bullshit, and it comes to dumb conclusions. This is the market. This is the only concern I had for DRK; that people wouldn't be able to figure out what they were seeing, form inaccurate conclusions due to their own handicaps, etc... There is no rainbow, nevermind that I had my eyes poked out and can't see...
If your own perception mechanicsm fail to accurately interpret reality, no one can really help you. God save the voting population in which the majority becomes so stupid....
Angry, hateful, stupid people choose to see DRK/Evan's position as adversarial because they're not getting what they want and they're entitled, whiny, douche bags. Evan will happily Open Source it as soon as it gets that far. So sorry he ever let you see the beginning parts that no other coin ever let you see either... If you weren't such a bunch of pricks, you'd see reality instead of your own agenda.
No good deed goes unpunished.On the flip side, seeing this and being able to accurately identify it is why I went all in waayyy long time ago. I'm one of the few who has the ability to see, clearly, reality as it is without prejudice or bias. It paid off.
Hey Camo, I don't hate dark and probably saw this almost as early as you. In fact, I'm a big fan of dark. However, the rollout and closed source thing is affecting current market pricing, which I know you don't care about. ATM, the market prefers a fairly launched zero tech coin - litecoin - over a functioning anon coin, darkcoin. That came as a big surprise to me, as I thought the anon thing was key. This forced me to evaluate why the market is behaving in this manner. I realise Evan plans to open source the code and therefore I believe the market might stay away until that event occurs. I do hope I'm wrong in the meantime but that's the only way the current price of Drk makes any sense. An alternate solution could be to try and get new money into Drk via new exchanges in China or whatnot.