Yeah...we've been talking about thoughts are there is a seed change happening in some of the bigger investors and initial investors. I have several friends that have been playing out this game now for 5 years and are frankly burnt out....It seems instead of the road forward being clearer, its become cloudier in some ways. I think the biggest thing we need to work on...and it has to start with BTC is grow the acceptance of this ecosystem. BTC must/has to succeed, tho I'm sure there are those that would disagree... We can't have mine for example always wanting to change BTC or any coin for fiet. This is are single biggest challenge. Neutrino, is has very interesting concept up their sleeve, and I've video chatted with them several times a few months back, I wouldn't dismiss them so easily. They have had some very successful ventures in the past and have a great base, although small, around them. We'll see. Its interesting times... and I think the whole crypto community should band together to promote this to the masses. Our in fighting has collateral damage to those outside of our community. Its hurting us by not painting a positive picture of the ecosystem. It sucks because there are so many bad operators out there, that we all get jaded. But folks...we need each other...we need to promote Crypto coin to the masses. I'm not sure how we are going to bridge our in fighting. no clue.
I don't think it's gotten cloudier. It simply arrived at it's destination and has nowhere else to go since it refuses to innovate further. Speaking of BTC.
Most people can still barely send an email. Over half the population doesn't even own a computer. Of those who do, how many maintain them in a manner that putting money on it would be safe?
We are less than 0.01% of the population, and that's just how it is. The idea of "mass adoption" is and always has been a pipe dream. BTC only got as expensive as it did due to speculative investments, not mass adoption.
Most people would fill their winblows computer full of malware and lose their coins, just like they do with everything else they own and don't know anything about, then abuse until it fails. We are the people that, absent technology, would be self-sufficient farmer types. We learn. We improve. We take care of. We don't work 80 hours a week to blow money on dumb shit and then destroy it out of stupidity, whine to customer service, not get our way, buy another somewhere else only to repeat the cycle of failure hoping not to be told to grow up this time, or at least get our way an have the thing we destroyed replaced at the cost of someone else.
This is the kind of person you would need to reach if you wanted mass adoption, because they are the mass. The mass does not learn. The mass does not accept responsibility for anything, ever. This is why it is content to be a slave of the state; freedom from responsibility means giving up the rights and freedoms you would have to take responsibility for in the first place! They're all too happy to give it all up to be a slave and have it all taken care of for them. This kind of person is the opposite of what crypto currency can service. Crypto just can't reach these people, because they refuse to step up far enough to reach crypto.
yeah true....the masses will never completely or even remotely embrace crypto....maybe in a couple generations it may become common place. I for one will be proud that I had a very small part in it and was here to witness the beginning!