easy there guy, i have been growing my dreads since 1992. deadhead chicks love dreads. so much so that you anint getting any pussy at all from the true heads with that beaver cleaver haircut lol!
I don't define myself or my self worth by the volume of stupid people willing to hump me. If one of those even tried to do me Id be all; "Get your stinkin' paws off me you damn, dirty ape!"
The human race is full of dumb animals who dispose of their humanity to act like trash. Finding a non-degenerate among the deadhead crowd would be a needle in a haystack. I'm not saying it's impossible, just that there are better places to look for a needle if you want to actually find one in this lifetime...
How do you define your self worth? I'm curious. Is it by the amount of narcissism, arrogance, and self righteousness you can ooze out?
Since you wanted to make a guessing game out of it, I'll suggest you try again instead of telling you.
Hint, I provide pain to those who can't/won't learn the easy way. If that makes me a bad person, then I aim to be the most horrendous person you've ever known. Please call me names some more. It supports your argument brilliantly.
LIVs can't stand reality...
Thanks for the invitation, but I think I will refrain. I sincerely hope you do not genuinely feel it is your right or duty to "provide pain" to "teach the stupid". It's kind of funny as a way to be colorful internet personality, quite disturbing if that's the way you actually feel. Cases yours that are always due to a fragile and insecure ego, which your persona attempts to conceal by portraying itself as the exaggerated opposite (massive superiority complex). The funny thing is I believe it's painfully obvious to almost everyone who reads your stuff probably way more than you imagine.
I'm pretty sure you will be 100% close minded to anything I have said as well because said insecure ego will not be allow you to process any information that does not seek to form a refutation and attack on what I have said, (too scary for ego to contemplate the truth of that) or allow you any meaningful level of introspection into how completely self centered and warped your way of thinking is.
Maybe people are stupid... being a dick is worse IMO... and there's your name. You're welcome.
Aw, that was cute.
Your armchair psychoanalysis was fun, but I really am just this awesome... Sometimes I can't contain it. It must get tired being offended all the time and trying to drag everyone else down to make yourself feel better with your convoluted bullshit... Pain is an excellent teacher. If you refuse to learn the easy way, I hope you learn the hard way. Because I want you to learn and stop experiencing the pain of stupid. But if you'd rather advocate for stupid, I guess you just like pain... Some people are masochistic like that. If you can't run witht he big dogs, try to blow your nose on them from the porch? I'm pretty sure that's not useful.
Now go make me a sandwich.
DAMMIT, I dangled it again!
I'm not a dick. I'm not better than you. You have chosen to stoop lower, and that is no one's fault but your own. You choose to be a stupid asshole. I just tell it like it is. I'm such a meanie-face poopie-head.... Step up you sniveling, pathetic, douche! The more you whine and throw stones, the more obvious it gets... I'm asking you to step up! I'm giving you the pain to motivate you when nothing else will... If it turns out that you're not good for anything but to serve as a warning to others, so be it! Sell me your DRKs, dumbass!