It seems like this started happening on the later versions, it was definitely working with cold wallets on earlier versions. I dont think there is anything wrong with the setup process. I think we have to wait for a statement on the matter from the devs, I am sure we will hear from eduffield soon.
Maybe you misunderstood my PM, cold masternodes are NOT implemented yet.
You can "hide" the node with the money and have the wallet be encrypted, but you can't really take it offline. The idea of the masternode network is they have to prove they're available for service, so the source node must continue to ping the network.
What you're talking about could be a feature for later on in the future. But I haven't had time to implement something like that yet.
Got it! Sorry I missed the PM, would have posted about it sooner. Thank you very much for taking the time to clarify.
Well that explains that :p.
So I moved one wallet.dat to its corresponding masternode, but when I try to start the masternode I get
-bash: ![y: event not found
I took a lot of norco this morning, so if somebody could hold my hand and tell me it'll be ok that would be awesome...
I guess you have an exclamation mark in your password. Try enclosing it in single quotes.
By the way it looks like you have just given out a piece of your password, if so then maybe best to edit your post.
Lol - I tried double quotes earlier but my linux-fu is lacking. Plus I'm stoned as fuck (I don't take this crap very often).
That was it thanks!
No worries! I had the same problem not long ago and also tried the double quotes before I figured it out