So, its beer o'clock.
I'm giving the x11 port on the BlackCoin MultiPool a crack, based on estimates it should allow me to accumulate twice the amount of DRK... They are mining Badger at the moment...
* Go to blackcoin and download a wallet
* Mine x11 via the blackcoin multipool with 2% fee
* Mine x11 coins, such as darkcoin
* Blackcoin pushes up darkcoin difficulty
* They dump darkcoins putting downward pressure on the value of the coins I already have
* They buy blackcoins putting upward pressure on Blackcoins
* I get some blackcoins
* Sell the blackcoins and pay the exchange fee
* Buy darkcoin and pay the exchange fee to get them into my wallet
As its only my second day on this planet, did I miss anything, other than they may not mine darkcoin all the time?
The probably don't mine DRK as it's an very unprofitable coin to mine at the moment.
If you want too, you can skip one step and mine at some BTC multipool like waffle.
Instead of: randomaltcoin -> btc -> blk -> btc -> drk it would be randomaltcoin-> btc-> drk, so you skip a few steps there...
mine darkcoin because 1) you keep the difficulty high to keep dumpers away 2) secure block chain 3) get closer to the 22 million coin cap