there was a post earlier to say its now working and they are trying to get website going.
Thanks bro, do you know whats that 45.8% unknown pool at the pools hashrate chart?
It's not a pool. It's all the hashrate that comes from other sources, beyond the known pools. If you solo mine, if you have a big rig, if you have an unlisted pool, it's all in the "unknown" pie slice.
So someone is having almost 51% and is unknown to everyone? What gives?
edit: down to 34% now, but still..
No, what I'm saying is that this slice does not represent 1 person. It's the sum of all solo miners, fpga miners, large gpu rigs that mine without a pool, small pools that are unlisted, botnets etc etc.
+1 so everyone selling stop being lemmings. You are giving cheap dark to people. DRK in wired article on monday.
This is healthy, I have no idea what the plans are of whoever has acquired hundreds of thousands of DRK in the last few days, but I'm pretty sure they have more vision than the average ADD crypto nerd. I suspect there will be a mighty influx of butthurt whiners when the price rockets up again.