Yeah....I know, leaving the web up for anyone to log in and do what they need to, for as long as needed, is definitely 100% scam. As is the 22k coins already paid out. Thanks for your support.
Did you ignore the " I will spend my time working on ensuring any outstanding payments are made. " portion? I CAN'T DEBUG THE PAYOUT PROBLEMS WHILE THE SITE CONTINUES TO RUN (nor do I want to continue letting it run IF there are in fact problems with it, just causing them to get worse.) There is not some magic snap of my fingers I can do to fix it all. What would you suggest I do aside from shutting it down and trying to do a proper post-mortum of what went wrong, which will hopefully allow me to also pay out any missing coins at the same time?
He's doing the right thing, it's not like you can't still retrieve your coins, the site will remain up. This does not indicate a scam attempt at all.