I mean those who made Doge and pumped it and sold for high satoshi's and received bitcoin.
Am I wrong?
One guy made Doge, but he didn't have any big amount of doges, he was mining like everyone else. Now another guy is in charge of development, I guess he also mined like everyone else. Those who pumped doges are all different people, there are 87 000 users subscribed to dogecoin subreddit, some people may have lost interest because the wow factor is gone and it's all boring business now of building dogeconomy. They released 1.8 version of the client a a few weeks ago, and if you use doge you need to upgrade urgently, or you can end on a fork. As you can see development progresses and community is second to Bitcoin only, it's all business as usual.
Specifically; it was Jackson Palmer's design, BillyM2K's code at launch. Current core development is led by langerhans, with myself and Patrick assisting from a technical side, and Sporklin on PR & community management, and a lot of others who I'd be here for a week if I tried naming.
Core development funding amounts to
https://chain.so/address/devfund , with no premine, ICO or even early-mine that I'm aware of. We all have day jobs, and I don't believe any of us hold more than a few million DOGE individually.