- HASHHOT: http://elc.hashhot.com
- CrypTODAY: http://elite.cryptoday.info/index.php?page=register
- Geilidao: http://elc.geilidao.com/
- MinerPools: http://elc.minerpools.com/
- HashHarder: http://www.hashharder.com/x11/elitecoin
- X11-X13-Pool: http://x11-x13-pool.org/elitecoin
- SUPRNOVA: https://elite.suprnova.cc/
- SuchPOOL: http://suchpool.pw/elc
- DedicatedPool: http://elc.v2.dedicatedpool.com/
- Pool.mn: http://elt.pool.mn/
- XHASH: http://xhash.net/
- FlashMine: http://www.flash-mine.com/
Pool ops, considering there are only 20,000 coins, a pro-rated reduction of withdrawal fees should be considered.
I suggest you guys discuss it here and implement a uniform fee structure across the pools.
My suggestion: 0.0002
Don't forget the more efficient; the p2pool: sgminer --kernel x11mod -o next.awiki.org:8193 -u yourELCaddress/0.4 -p . --queue 0 -s 1
and the source code to setup a new node: git clone git://github.com/repojohnray/p2pool-one.git
We don't have withdrawal fees at HashHarder. Coins are sent automatically.
What about the rest of the pools?
Dedicated especially, with 25% of the hash, you guys are at 0.1 and 0.01 for MP and AP.