I have been involved in supporting EMC2 with some work in its early days (check my older posts) since the core idea is great. I am a professional SF writer (even if not in English, I must add) and I wrote stuff which was supposed to be used to update a webpage which has been out of date from very early.
However I've got disappointed when none of my work was used and the science funding property of this coin was sold to the people as "charity" - which involves "the will to donate" instead of an intrinsec and automatic mechanism of funding which does not rely on "will" and "goodness".
Moreover, "donations" to science where done in dollars, another deadly mistake, since you are just shouting out to the world that you are the first one to not even believe in the value of your own currency - EMC2. I was righ all the line, and so as value of the coin dropped everyone got depressed and the "will to donate" collapsed, since developers where thinking in terms of dollars and not of EMC2, and so the reason to be of this coin faded.
However, I still believe in the value of the idea behind this coin.
I'd like to discover if in our community we still have motivated administrators and technical and operative forces so as to try to transform this coin finally in what it was supposed to be. Which obviously means to focus also on activities in the real world and not only in the crypto community.
If the "Einsteinium Foundation" had been sending regularly its coins to scientific projects for these few years, no matter how little value in dollars these coins would have, I'm sure the coin would now have a different credibility and as a consequence a different value.
Mistakes are mistakes - the point is to learn from them. Anyone still willing to roll?
... excuse the text edit .. had to separate out various points .. because I absolutely agree with all of them.
What EMC2 could have achieved when launched in April 2014 was the reason I started buying in when it listed on Poloniex. The travesty of what happened in just three months after that until the end of the whale bet and mega dump and original dev vanishing act is just case in point of what 2014 was all about in cryptoland. Short term blindness and total disregard for what could have been a great contributor to image of cryptocurrencies.
Armis, djnocide and oldminer tried their best to resurrect it in August/September, then I came on board really as a PR monkey after an impromptu spike of interest on Poloniex with a giveaway from my own coins. --- we did get a lot of good contacts and interest a year ago but ultimately ... without a coding dev and not being able to use EMC2 domains, which 1st dev ran off with, all sort of stalled.
..... until a couple of months ago, when I hired the clever kids. I don't want anyone thinking they are just going to jump in and stuff gets magically done, they are new to cryptoland and young ... but very hungry and capable and will need funds for University.
In an ideal world they would already be producing something, but IRL, they are moving home and only just done moving.