The wallet can be downloaded from the OP links and the website. Source is available on the Github.
In order to verify you are running the right wallet:
- download package should include 1.1 string (i.e.
- in help -> "About Einsteinium" you should see 8.7.1 version
- getinfo command should report: protocolversion 70003
This is a mandatory update, it aims to address KGW/TW vulnerability.
Main changes:
1. Replaced KGW with DigiShield - the fork is set at 56000 block - which will happen around 8 of April at 4PM GMT.
2. Increased block timestamp restriction (+/- 15 minutes), this is to address any further potential TW exploit - so please make sure time is in sync on your client / miner.
Please make sure you run the new wallet before 8 of April 4PM GMT.
If you miss the deadline, you will not be able to process / mine any new blocks on the network until you update (your existing coins in the wallet will be safe though).
April 8th? That's not a whole lot of time... Should give pools and exchanges at least two weeks.