I have been following this coin for long time, just for curiosity.
This coin is complitely dead.
But i find it very strange that you 2 guys(testing crypto , fire community) are still here.
The only members of this community is you 2. And you still keep supporting a dead coin, which has no probability to ever come back to life.
It was even delisted by coinmarketcap, and is complitely dead.
I have to say , you 2 guys are impressive. Your dedication is incredible. Even after years still supporting.
Every other project would have been lucky to have you 2 on board, with such a dedication.
I serious , i am really impressed.
90% of devs out there dont have this support of their coins as you do .
Have been following this coin since day one (along with 1000's of others), as I used to help a lot of ANN original post over the years (100's) && have the keys to a few topics if you really want to know
Thought about posting with only "TestingCrypto", the purpose of a Community account is that it will move with the Community if ever taken over again && the post are actual development post (not cool coin or looks good, real updates)
// if blocks are moving, then it is not defunct && just not being pumped full of funding for people to hype about
// one volunteers most days && nights to the movement of change in change, seeing what it will all be in many years of updates be the key 2 every 8 bits of a byte
// every alt has its value, for me a few hodl actual name value && could very easily have new genesis block in the bit or byte the defunct dust