Thanks for your work, Testing Crypto! Is that means the actual total of FIREcoins is about 30k coins and the rest is most likely lost? Then the rare FIREcoin is even more rare and its price must be much more.
Yes, they could be cold storage & or lost on exchanges. 30k would be the online Firecoins helping the network & the open market would be part of the calculation threw CryptoID explorer. Current market value seems right (more volume would be ok though & help community development), unless Firecoin keeps development going (frequent updates) & not just let an app sit. There will always be better code, years of hearing the saying "if it is not broken" & that defeats the purpose of improvement of everything (blueprint of the world). Everything improves in time with new additions, but still the same prototype if you will type design & not some broken saying of how not to keep improving the world of creation through ideas of improvement
//have tested many alternatives to
BTC, many have good & bad or pro & con type calculations to them (specifications if you will)
~they all how ever can be built into something great if coded for the right thing, many lack purpose still & being only a hardware guy make it tough to keep IT going (code can always improve).
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//terminology of what the body of code functions do PAL