There are less than 10 people in this game, compared to more than 100 people at four months ago. Not only the huge block size is the obstacle, the game strategy is too simple, just plan the trace again and again, the one create more characters has more chance to win, which has no difference with POW and POS, even worse than POW and POS.
There are some obvious faults in current game mechanism. someone create large amount of characters to control the rich pool, waiting the coins full of pool, then create a self defined way points to collect hundreds of coins in a single transaction of moving, which largely decreases fees of F2Pool or other pools supporting this coin. The rich pool is more easily controlled in current game mechanism, Only 4 or 5 people create 80% characters of the map and capture 90% of the coins, which makes this coin more quickly to rubbish.
There are probably more individual players playing now than 4 months ago, since bots took over IMO.
I also believe the human to bot ratio of players has significantly improved.
We have reduced block chain growth by increasing fees, general cost and implementing disaster.
Total chain size will be reduced significantly with pruning.
When PvP is involved, it is not too simple (strategy) - the issue is more players are needed, and until we have pruning/performance and afk play (botting) it may not increase so much until then... but, this shouldn't be long.
not sure what you mean - and think you are wrong here:
someone create large amount of characters to control the rich pool, waiting the coins full of pool, then create a self defined way points to collect hundreds of coins in a single transaction of moving, which largely decreases fees of F2Pool or other pools supporting this coin.
Bots move when the coin spawns. i've seen some that do predefined sweeps of an area, but those still have to do very long tx (higher fee)... and as for banking the coins, it's still jsut 10%.. if there is 100 people getting 10% tax when they bank, or 1 person getting 10% tax, it's still 10% tax.
I don't think f2pool are complaining about fees. We have Added Disaster (more fees), Fee for every move (>0.01), higher general cost (more for deaths).
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