Freelancing is one of the most common forms of employment in the modern job market. It attracts both full-time and part-time workers, and the beauty is the choice of working hours. You can, for example, work your 9-5, and in the evenings or weekends for a bit of extra income, work a side-gig. The market at this point is worth $3bn USD, showing a huge space to work out of. However, there are a number of faults in the market. Coinlancer hope to overcome some of these issues.
Primarily, freelancing encompasses all trades, and mostly serves within the digital goods and services space. The problem is, there are few platforms where buyers and sellers of freelancing services can come together to prosper. Traditional platforms such as Fiverr and Freelancer charge exorbitant fees for use of the service, often as high as 20%. This depresses the market, and pushes out would-be-entrants who don’t want their income slashed.