Oбъяcняю. Pycня нe мoжeт в нopмaльныe пpoэкты. Toлькo cпиздить и нaeбaть. Ha Baшeм мecтe, я бы нe визжaл paнeнoй в oчкo pыбoй, a пpocтo coбиpaл бы изнaчaльнo нa этиx чepтeй кoмпpoмaт, и нaнизaл иx нa гpязнyю apмaтypинy нa cтpoйкe. Bидимo вceм дaннyю мaнипyляцию пpoизвecти в 21 вeкe cлoжнo, тoгдa xyли тyт визжитe?! Уёбывaйтe нaxyй, лoшьё!
Hey, remove your filthy words from Russia!
Developers from another country, they themselves wrote that they are in Germany.
Why do not you attack the Germans?
or the Americans? BitConnect how many people have thrown? BitConnect where was it registered?
there are no Russians at all, you do not know the facts, you do not have to pour anger on Russia.
And the promoters from all countries have nothing to do with it. they do not know who the developers are.
What, out of habit, is it convenient for the Russians to dump everything?
Everyone knows that the crypto currency market is dangerous. on every corner about this write. If you do not know this, you should not be engaged in crypt and investing.
And yet, read the article
https://news.bitcoin.com/icos-brush-off-regulatory-concerns-raising-1-billion-third-month-row/You will know in detail who creates these ICOs and who are the victims of scammers.
and their anger and insults went to the Americans. What are they better?
Do not want?
Do not offend other countries. he himself is to blame for having got into this project.
all in the same boat. enough to look for the guilty from where they do not exist.
One thing is true - if the developer is a fraudster, he must be punished, regardless of what country he is from.
I agree with you. There's no reason to mention countries or faith or anything else. If someone is a robber, a thief, a scammer or anything else he must to be punished. No correlation with countries.I'm italian mafia,camorra,'ndrangheta are some of the issues that we face in our country, in japan they have jacuza in other in South America we can find MS12 MS18 and many others. No one can say that italian, japanese, mexican or whatever we want that all populations and all the peoples are gangsters, thughs, or whatever they want. Be carefull when talking about those topics.