Update. You are probably receiving multiple messages and emails about accepting new terms about the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The good news is that you do not need to do anything about your data at Orocrypt. We do not sell or share your registered data or use externally in any way. Our registered users are protected by the Panamanian privacy regulations.
For behaviour statistics, and business intelligence we use the service by
Google LLC (" Google Analytics "), a company located in the United States. Data that we may provide to Google Analytics may include your IP address and that data is used by Google Analytics to generate information about your usage of our service. We do not pass this information to any parties. Google's privacy policy is available at:
https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/ .
The law requires us to tell you about your rights and our obligations to you in regards to the processing and control of your personal data. We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at
We only use your Personal Information for the following purposes:
To manage and administer our Platform;
To improve your browsing experience by personalising the Platform;
To enable you to use the Platform;
To deal with enquiries, complaints, and feedback from you and our service providers;
To publish generic transactional information relating to trades undertaken using the Orocrypt platform;
To perform compliance checks; to prevent fraud; to send you emails; and to analyse and improve the services offered on the Platform.
Except to the extent required by any applicable Panamanian law, We will not disclose your Personal Information to any third party other than to a service provider to whom we are required to disclose database information in order for them to provide their services to Us, ie: our server and backup providers.
Under GDPR, any business that has access to personally identifiable information given to another business is considered a Data Processor. GDPR states that Data Processors need a Data Protection Addendum (DPA) with their customers. Orocrypt does not give or share clients information to any other business whatsoever, therefore Orocrypt is not a Data Processor.
Our client's data is protected by Panama's privacy law and not shared with anyone outside our hosting server provider, our devs and our management! Period!