Your post is a real trolling, you have no idea what you are writing about.
No, no... in English that would be more appropriately called "making observations".
You should have studied everything thoroughly at first and then make any conclusions.At the moment we are actively working on the web wallet, and this activity can be seen on Github.
You sure are! All
one of you! before the ICO, the web wallet, blockchain explorer and the referral program were launched.
Yea we can see: I can't speak for anyone else, but I would expect an 8 figure open source software project in the red hot crypto currency space to have more than 1 contributor and 1 follower. I guess I am just naive though and don't understand how "all of this works".
All messages to support are sent to redmine, and there they are automatically sorted depending on the content.
So you are using an open source project management tool? So what?
Page of the Founder Kalinin has been working in the Internet marketing since 2005 and he is known for unconventional methods of PR, he became a successful businessman many years ago.If your "founder" is supposed to be a PR, marketing and SEO expert, that gives you less credibility not more. Your web and social media presence looks super unprofessional as do your translations to English.The MegaSeo Group company was founded in 2005 and is still functioning in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. The official website is page that you sent has nothing to MegaSeo Group.
The Facebook Page that I referenced is linked to from your "founder's" profile. The other "company", "Investment Financial Group" listed on his profile looks the same. yes, we have collected a large amount due to unusual PR strategies.
Oh yes they're unusual alright."Hey boss, shouldn't we make to spend the $50 for proper translation to English for our marketing materials?"
Boss: "Nooooo you eeeediot, you spend nothing! More money for us!!!!!!!"
Major private investors and venture funds of both Russia and Asia have become parties to the ICO. Pavel Kalinin personally meets with investors and discusses all the project details.
Interesting, but he sends an anonymous person to the bitcoin talk forum to beg for further investment?
I'm asking you to follow the project. And when you realize that you are not right, that I hope you will bring a public apology here.
I will never "bring a public apology". The facts are your "project" looks highly questionable, whether it is an outright scam or run by a team of people who are at least trying to do
something but lack the competency of making their project look legitimate, I don't know. Even if these coins come out on the market and go sky high and then crash who knows what is the real story. Was it a pump and dump or an honest run? Unless this becomes a legit working enterprise (highly unlikely judging by everything I've read), nobody will ever know. In any case I would run not walk away from this one.
If it is true this "project" raised more than $10 million dollars then this is an big bright red waving flag about the crypto currency and ICO bubble. Something that looks like this should have never been able to raise that kind of money. Proven scams like Looq and Karbon looked far more legitimate than "Cryptonex". Let's see what happens next!
If you want to answer some serious questions though:
1) What is the purpose of sending out these CNX "bounty tokens" to random people?
2) How many CNX bounty tokens were sent out and how were the recipients selected?
3) What is the point of this extra and unnecessary step of creating CNX tokens only to have them sent back to you in order to get a bonus on your private exchange?
4) For what reason could a person possible want CNX coins which are locked into your private instead of ETH or some other ERC20 token?
5) What are you doing that is different than all of your competition? What are you doing that TenX isn't doing for example? It looks like maybe if people are lucky in a year or two you'll be done what TenX has already demonstrated.
6) You make these totally unfounded claims in your promotional video about CNX going up 70-100 times, but why? From where does it derive it's value? What is the total supply? What percentage of the total supply will be distributed where and under what conditions and how will it be utilized?
This doesn't seem very legit.
Cryptonex is a completely legal project.
We always observe and keep the laws.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of ways to scam people that are still legal... especially in Russia, no doubt.