Do I get right that there will be p2p gambling as well?
Hey folks,
You right,
Let i make an article and share with u how we make it okie ?
P/S want to review our smartcontract for P2P ?
Yes! It will be really interesting!
The code is under review, so it would really great if you could join to our developer bounty campaign
Let I share you the SmartContract here (Remember it's for our chain not ethereum).
The simple scenario is:10 people bet 100 LBT on MU win
8 people bet 10 LBT on Real win
1 X-man bet 1 LBT on draw
The result: Draw
=> X-man win 111 LBT. pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import 'zeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol';
import 'zeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol';
import './LetBetCreditManager.sol';
contract LetBetSportGameP2PBetting is Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
enum BetOption { UNKNOWN, WIN, DRAW, LOSE }
enum GameResult { UNKNOWN, WIN, DRAW, LOSE, CANCEL }
enum GameState { UNKNOWN, IN_BET, IN_GAME, END }
struct Player {
address addr;
BetOption betOption;
uint256 betAmount;
uint256 winAmount;
struct Game {
uint256 gameId;
uint16[2] gameScore;
GameResult result;
GameState status;
Player[] betWinPlayers;
Player[] betDrawPlayers;
Player[] betLosePlayers;
uint256 betWinTotal;
uint256 betDrawTotal;
uint256 betLoseTotal;
address public creditManager; // address of credit manager
mapping (uint256 => Game) public games;
uint256[] public gameList;
event RefundAll(uint256 gameId);
event PerformBetWithPlayer(uint256 gameId, uint8 result);
event BetWithPlayer(address player, uint256 gameId, uint8 option, uint256 amount);
function LetBetSportGameP2PBetting(address _creditManager) public {
creditManager = _creditManager;
function getInfo(uint256 _gameId) public constant returns (uint16[2] gameScore, uint8 result, uint8 status, uint numOfBetWinPlayers, uint256 betWinTotal, uint numOfBetDrawPlayers, uint256 betDrawTotal, uint numOfBetLosePlayers, uint256 betLoseTotal) {
Game memory game = games[_gameId];
return (game.gameScore, uint8(game.result), uint8(game.status), game.betWinPlayers.length, game.betWinTotal, game.betDrawPlayers.length, game.betDrawTotal, game.betLosePlayers.length, game.betLoseTotal);
function getPlayerBetWinWithPlayer(uint256 _gameId, uint _index) public constant returns (address addr, uint8 betOption, uint256 betAmount, uint256 winAmount) {
require(_index < games[_gameId].betWinPlayers.length);
Player memory player = games[_gameId].betWinPlayers[_index];
return (player.addr, uint8(player.betOption), player.betAmount, player.winAmount);
function getPlayerBetDrawWithPlayer(uint256 _gameId, uint _index) public constant returns (address addr, uint8 betOption, uint256 betAmount, uint256 winAmount) {
require(_index < games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers.length);
Player memory player = games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers[_index];
return (player.addr, uint8(player.betOption), player.betAmount, player.winAmount);
function getPlayerBetLoseWithPlayer(uint256 _gameId, uint _index) public constant returns (address addr, uint8 betOption, uint256 betAmount, uint256 winAmount) {
require(_index < games[_gameId].betLosePlayers.length);
Player memory player = games[_gameId].betLosePlayers[_index];
return (player.addr, uint8(player.betOption), player.betAmount, player.winAmount);
function getGameList() public constant returns (uint256[] gameIds) {
return gameList;
function start(uint256 _gameId) onlyOwner public returns (bool success) {
require(games[_gameId].status != GameState.END);
if (games[_gameId].status == GameState.UNKNOWN) {
games[_gameId].gameId = _gameId;
games[_gameId].gameScore = [0, 0];
games[_gameId].result = GameResult.UNKNOWN;
games[_gameId].status = GameState.IN_BET;
delete games[_gameId].betWinPlayers;
delete games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers;
delete games[_gameId].betLosePlayers;
games[_gameId].betWinTotal = 0;
games[_gameId].betDrawTotal = 0;
games[_gameId].betLoseTotal = 0;
return true;
function end(uint256 _gameId, uint16[2] _gameScore, uint8 _result) onlyOwner public returns (bool success) {
require(games[_gameId].status == GameState.IN_BET || games[_gameId].status == GameState.IN_GAME);
require(_result >= uint8(GameResult.WIN) && _result <= uint8(GameResult.CANCEL));
GameResult result = GameResult(_result);
games[_gameId].gameScore = _gameScore;
games[_gameId].result = result;
if (result == GameResult.CANCEL) {
if (!refundAll(_gameId)) revert();
} else {
if (!performBetWithPlayer(_gameId, _result)) revert();
games[_gameId].status = GameState.END;
return true;
function refundAll(uint256 _gameId) internal returns (bool success) {
uint i = 0;
LetBetCreditManager lbcm = LetBetCreditManager(creditManager);
for (i = 0; i < games[_gameId].betWinPlayers.length; ++i) {
if (!lbcm.increaseCredit(games[_gameId].betWinPlayers[i].addr, games[_gameId].betWinPlayers[i].betAmount)) revert();
games[_gameId].betWinPlayers[i].winAmount = games[_gameId].betWinPlayers[i].betAmount;
for (i = 0; i < games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers.length; ++i) {
if (!lbcm.increaseCredit(games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers[i].addr, games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers[i].betAmount)) revert();
games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers[i].winAmount = games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers[i].betAmount;
for (i = 0; i < games[_gameId].betLosePlayers.length; ++i) {
if (!lbcm.increaseCredit(games[_gameId].betLosePlayers[i].addr, games[_gameId].betLosePlayers[i].betAmount)) revert();
games[_gameId].betLosePlayers[i].winAmount = games[_gameId].betLosePlayers[i].betAmount;
return true;
function performBetWithPlayer(uint256 _gameId, uint8 _result) internal returns (bool success) {
uint i = 0;
uint256 total = 0;
uint256 amount = 0;
GameResult result = GameResult(_result);
LetBetCreditManager lbcm = LetBetCreditManager(creditManager);
if (result == GameResult.WIN) {
total = games[_gameId].betDrawTotal.add(games[_gameId].betLoseTotal);
for (i = 0; i < games[_gameId].betWinPlayers.length; ++i) {
amount = games[_gameId].betWinPlayers[i].betAmount;
amount = amount.add(amount.mul(total).div(games[_gameId].betWinTotal));
if (!lbcm.increaseCredit(games[_gameId].betWinPlayers[i].addr, amount)) revert();
games[_gameId].betWinPlayers[i].winAmount = amount;
} else if (result == GameResult.DRAW) {
total = games[_gameId].betWinTotal.add(games[_gameId].betLoseTotal);
for (i = 0; i < games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers.length; ++i) {
amount = games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers[i].betAmount;
amount = amount.add(amount.mul(total).div(games[_gameId].betDrawTotal));
if (!lbcm.increaseCredit(games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers[i].addr, amount)) revert();
games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers[i].winAmount = amount;
} else if (result == GameResult.LOSE) {
total = games[_gameId].betWinTotal.add(games[_gameId].betDrawTotal);
for (i = 0; i < games[_gameId].betLosePlayers.length; ++i) {
amount = games[_gameId].betLosePlayers[i].betAmount;
amount = amount.add(amount.mul(total).div(games[_gameId].betLoseTotal));
if (!lbcm.increaseCredit(games[_gameId].betLosePlayers[i].addr, amount)) revert();
games[_gameId].betLosePlayers[i].winAmount = amount;
PerformBetWithPlayer(_gameId, _result);
return true;
function closeBet(uint256 _gameId) onlyOwner public returns (bool success) {
require(games[_gameId].status == GameState.IN_BET);
games[_gameId].status = GameState.IN_GAME;
return true;
function betWithPlayer(uint256 _gameId, uint8 _betOption, uint256 _betAmount) public returns (bool success) {
require(games[_gameId].status == GameState.IN_BET);
require(_betOption >= uint8(BetOption.WIN) && _betOption <= uint8(BetOption.LOSE));
require(_betAmount > 0);
LetBetCreditManager lbcm = LetBetCreditManager(creditManager);
uint256 currentCredit = lbcm.getCredit(msg.sender);
if (currentCredit < _betAmount) revert();
if (!lbcm.decreaseCredit(msg.sender, _betAmount)) revert();
BetOption betOption = BetOption(_betOption);
if (betOption == BetOption.WIN) {
games[_gameId].betWinPlayers.push(Player(msg.sender, betOption, _betAmount, 0));
games[_gameId].betWinTotal = games[_gameId].betWinTotal.add(_betAmount);
} else if (betOption == BetOption.DRAW) {
games[_gameId].betDrawPlayers.push(Player(msg.sender, betOption, _betAmount, 0));
games[_gameId].betDrawTotal = games[_gameId].betDrawTotal.add(_betAmount);
} else if (betOption == BetOption.LOSE) {
games[_gameId].betLosePlayers.push(Player(msg.sender, betOption, _betAmount, 0));
games[_gameId].betLoseTotal = games[_gameId].betLoseTotal.add(_betAmount);
BetWithPlayer(msg.sender, _gameId, _betOption, _betAmount);
return true;