Dear LOL supporters and investors,
We are sorry to inform you that we received an email from paralegal of Riot game and we were asked to shut down all services including topbot, bettingbot, skin shop and We are now still talking to Riot game to see if there's any solution for this.
Dear Riot,
Our intergalactic legal team has reviewed your letter and we have decided to comply in full. We have removed the artwork and logos.
Thank you for playing LOL.
They have made no specific reference to your creations or services.
Some lawyers are the lowest form of bureaucrat and deserve a hard fork in the eye for chasing such innovation.
When will the crypto world show these spoons that coins are sovereign code and they couldn't be stopped if you tried?
Riot lawyers are grubby drones and likely realize they have no legs in our realm. Hopefully their devs will see the light and they will be able to wrestle back their enterprise from the clutches of their legal team.
Let's TOR our site and services and show their lawyers we are out of their league and they are out of their minds.
I'm willing to write them a lengthy whitepaper.