to a regular person yes they would notice vocabulary but if you knew what dapps is and apps are then you know why im stating it. lisk states they have dapps and that youl be able to build dapps at launch when you clearly can't and liskHQ confirmed this indirectly.
also there are many problems that need solutions ofcourse we can say yes we will solve it we will solve it but until it is actually solved nothing they don't say dont mean anything ofcourse if they say we work to do it fair enough but here you got the problem no solution and your claiming it will work thats misleading again.
"Javascript has issues,"
yes it does when it comes to crypto currencies when it comes to apps no
"some smart person comes around and CREATES a solution for that issue,"
yes i'm waiting for you to show me the solution and the smart person who does it. do you have the code and the person
Javascript has one less issue"
until there is one,there is the issue
Lisk is in early development, it is making drastic changes from the forked Crypti code. Not only this, the team is working without funds until a successful launch. Lisk was marketed as a potential DaPPs platform, because that is what it is (or will become, however you want to see it).
You want another Ethereum? You might as well head to the Expanse thread. You want something different? Then I welcome you, because Lisk is VERY different. This is the reason people invested in Lisk; the idea; the vision; the people.
We dared to be different, to do things outside of the "Ethereum" rules. Ethereum community has become another Bitcoin community, bickering and outrageously defending it to death as if it were "The One"... This is not what crypto-currencies are about, every crypto-currency is an experiment on its own, learn to appreciate every experiment on its own, and wait until there's a product to at least criticize it.