Right now there is not much brain power focused towards LISK - reading through this thread shows that 99% of the people here just want absurdly crazy ROI at any cost. Very little talk is about development or use cases almost all of it is just plain "moon for moon's sake".
Curious to see what substance the team can put together for 5 million bucks.
there is a reason why vitalik didnt use JS for the back end because it wont work for their plan lisk can be coded to play games like hangman, free candy crusher or flipper remember FUN APPS not fun dapps
if you ask me they hyped up the coin for something they dont have
$5.9million for 1 year work nice wage maan
if you ask me rtcrypto how did they raise all that. i wasnt here from the start so dont really want to go back 600 pages but did they have some marketing campaign going on how did they hype all this to raise so much. well as a trader i'm not happy i never bought as a investor/developer happy i didn't. i couldn't buy this at ICO price if i had the chance without seeing what they have planned and seeing through their double meanings
lol..there's no way a coin written in javascript will survive the strommin'.. yubikeys haxxors lol ..proofs?
Dear Fudders: gembitz, wasref, mxhwr
Sorry to break it to you, but JavaScript is the #1 choice for developing web applications these days. And with Node.js, JavaScript has spilled over to the server side. JavaScript interpreters have become quite advanced, so that Google's V8 engine is quite fast, fast enough to reside at the core of Node.js.
I suggest you run to a nearby magazine stand and pick up this month's edition of Web Designer magazine to learn about future of JavaScript Apps:
thanks will look at it
see javascript is great for making apps a great UI and web apps etc but it being linked to crypto currency is the issue here. im sure they not building apps to make it look pretty it needs function well with crypto currencies. that's the challenge and most of us find it hard to see how it would work considering javascript when applied to crypto currency
this is my concern
"Javascript numbers are....not the greatest or most reliable. Especially when we are dealing with a crypto-currency, you really want your numbers to be on point. Basically JS uses floating point which means some things get approximated and digits get lost in certain cases. Here's some further reading: Be careful with big numbers & Floating point appoximation. So, the fact that everything in Lisk (including Lisk itself) is in Javascript, it means there are potentially big number problems (both in terms of big numbers and big problems)."
lisk may be able to make great apps easily but deploying contracts etc using javascripts and cryptocurrency for those apps is going to be challenging.
also they dont have dapps right now on launch they won't have dapps you can make apps.
so the biggest concern you keep bringing up is the vocabulary used on dapps and apps?
This is what happens in real life,
Javascript has issues,
some smart person comes around and CREATES a solution for that issue,
Javascript has one less issue,
I remember what javascript was like before node.js, You think they didn't shout from the mountain tops that JS couldn't handle serverside shit before node.js?
BIG NUMBER SOLUTION: bignumbers.js
Shit happens and things get solved.
Smart contracts are not the be all end all of crypto. It just happens to be the Buzzword of the times.
to a regular person yes they would notice vocabulary but if you knew what dapps is and apps are then you know why im stating it. lisk states they have dapps and that youl be able to build dapps at launch when you clearly can't and liskHQ confirmed this indirectly.
also there are many problems that need solutions ofcourse we can say yes we will solve it we will solve it but until it is actually solved nothing they don't say dont mean anything ofcourse if they say we work to do it fair enough but here you got the problem no solution and your claiming it will work thats misleading again.
"Javascript has issues,"
yes it does when it comes to crypto currencies when it comes to apps no
"some smart person comes around and CREATES a solution for that issue,"
yes i'm waiting for you to show me the solution and the smart person who does it. do you have the code and the person
Javascript has one less issue"
until there is one,there is the issue