I see what you mean, but, most "simply fun" apps don't really need to be decentralized. Now, building a serious poker engine or gambling engine or bringing on financial applications more generally into javascript? This is a problem I'd like to see addressed - how serious are the limitations of javascript for these sorts of use cases? Maybe there are legitimate ways around the problem?
Ethereum is using solidity for a reason, the fact that everything happens on chain is even more of an incentive to make sure things behave as they are intended to behave. In LISK, I think a possible advantage would be in that everything runs on a side chain - but, this opens up all kinds of questions about how chains interact and how the entire system reaches consensus on what is happening.
LISK might find a space that is worth hundreds of billions with "just fun" apps. So it might not matter. But, many of the serious and interesting use cases being explored and thought about in this space don't seem like a good fit for the architecture of LISK.
Yes, this is a serious problem. In the end LISK might be useful for fun dapps, but serious financial applications are not going to be built on javascript. There is a reason for ETH using "a complicated language", as some have put it here. LISK might still find uses anyway, let's see... but, the idea that it will simple swallow Ethereum up is absurd. People are in for a disappointment if they think that this is what will happen.
also as developers can use nodejs javascript on ethereum why aernt they using it now anyway
got my answer i read your reply
basically ethereum can use javascript for front end but for back end it has to be solidity.
could it be this reason why they dont want to use javascript for the backend
"Javascript numbers are....not the greatest or most reliable. Especially when we are dealing with a crypto-currency, you really want your numbers to be on point. Basically JS uses floating point which means some things get approximated and digits get lost in certain cases. Here's some further reading: Be careful with big numbers & Floating point appoximation. So, the fact that everything in Lisk (including Lisk itself) is in Javascript, it means there are potentially big number problems (both in terms of big numbers and big problems)."
Of course.
How could be innovative in 2016 a javascript coin? Lol, javascript,useful only for html site.
So,the biggest developer spent years studyng C++,Golang, now we are back in 1999 with javascript? lol. Crazy.
what percentage of existing apps are in the "serious financial applications" category of apps and what percentage are in the "fun" category (not sure how you are defining "fun" here)? the opportunity is where the masses play.
side chain is created for the app but not the code. the code itself is not stored on the blockchain. its stored on a zip file which is then linked to the blockchain. dev says they have not implemented in the roadmap yet when they plant to use IPFS but that is there plan. considering the marketing all they seem to say is javascript is more popular than solidity which it is ofcourse but is it a better solution no. they say they have dapps but they dont and will not have it at launch. they raise this much money by saying they have dapps and they never is hugely misleading.
lisk isnt a scam i dont doubt the team but they aern't clear on what they say. it seems they take a small point and blow it up out of porportion.
didn't lisk say they were in partnership with shapeshift.io which got some big hype but they werent they were simply holding or dealing funds not sure il find more info on this. again misleading because when they partnership it means working together but they are not working together
really hope it doesnt up like crypti. they have the funds now so nothing can be done just hope they do actually make dapps and hope this JS actually work