Ethereum - 31,531 BTC from presale - 2,631,335 BTC market cap
MaidSafe - around 12,200 in BTC from presale - 109,525 BTC market cap
Stellar - 3M USD from Stripe - 30,538 BTC market cap
Bitshares - 500,000 USD from investors + 5625 BTC in donations (via BTS AGS) - 49,051 BTC market cap
Lisk - around 4400 BTC from presale. 8 days to go!
Factom - 2287 BTC from presale - 52,625 BTC market cap
Very interesting data. I have converted everything to current $415 BTC (yeah, I know, somewhat inaccurate, not "BTC price pop / price drop" adjusted) and added the most important one that you forgot.
NXT is in its twilight. In mid-2014 it was valued ten times higher than it is now. And those 21 BTC that started NXT were only about $220 each.