Thank you for running a LitecoinZ node!
In order to ensure you are adequately protecting your privacy when using
LitecoinZ, please see
Since starting this node 0 seconds ago:
- You have validated no transactions.
- Error: Cannot find the LitecoinZ network parameters in the following
Please run
'litecoinz-fetch-params' or './zcutil/' and then restart.
Init message:
[Press Ctrl+C to exit] [Set 'showmetrics=0' to hide]
Assertion failed!
Program: C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Coins\litecoinz\litecoinzd.exe
File: main.cpp, Line 2054
Expression: hashPrevBlock == view.GetBestBlock()
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Please run
'litecoinz-fetch-params' or './zcutil/' and then restart.