Pool fee: 0.5%
Minimum payout: 1 BTX
Stratum host: stratum+tcp://neonpool.sytes.net
Stratum port: 4008
username: your_BITCORE_wallet_address
password: any_value
Nvidia: ccminer --cpu-priority=3 -a timetravel -o stratum+tcp://neonpool.sytes.net:4008 -u
AMD: sgminer.exe -I 19 --no-submit-stale --kernel timetravel10 -o stratum+tcp://neonpool.sytes.net:4008 -u
CPU: minerd -a timetravel10 -o stratum+tcp://neonpool.sytes.net:4008 -u
Note: From yesterday pool start, all submitted shares per diff by miners are saved on the pool and will be paid out once pool finds the first block. Miners who tried the pool before can still join back and get paid for all their shares.
I want to join your Pool but I couldnt find any multi-miner for 32 bit Windows system. maybe would never find a new block using my old PC, just curios how to get connected to the pool, any solution? Im new and excited in mining a new coins