This coin is not hype one, your mind seems to me confused big with other crypto projects. There is nothing about paying 100k dollars for breaking codes. Its about making hype unbelievable... It's about really being trust-less or not. This is understandable. There are lots of crypto currency coming with various promises. You have never seen really trust-less crypto currency yet. Others made you believe they are so. We have no hurry, competent people will come and value our currency rightly.
"As far as I know, this is the first real p2p decentralized trustless anonymous system in coinjoin category. I am not sure for the crypto-note technology, it seems it is a good one, although it is a different technology and mainly for CPU. But for coinjoin category claims, I don't see any truly trustless system, and this is the first one." source
Mammothcoin will be better than all other crypto currencies (including Bitcoin, Litecoin others) in terms of decentralized privacy once released phase 2. It's huge step and undeniable in the crypto coin eco system.
It's coming so soon, less than a week. I plan to share video from initial tests within few days.