The secret on my Linux to getting the qt wallet to not crash, was to follow the instructions in the file which was included with the February 6 version of clients-master from the official github site. Here it is in full, with double-spacing taken out:
Building Crypto++ on Linux
Install the dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install unzip
Set up the development folder by downloading the Crypto++ 5.6.2 source
$ mkdir cryptopp
$ cd cryptopp
$ wget
$ unzip -a
Uncomment the line "CXXFLAGS += -fPIC", by removing the preceeding #, inside GNUmakefile and build the library
$ make static dynamic test
Install it on your system
$ sudo make install
If you have issues with an "Illegal instruction" error, as we experienced on one test machine, modify GNUmakefile and set the line "CXXFLAGS += -march=native" to "CXXFLAGS += "
Worked for me.
I did all that last night, I think that went OK, I just get a libboost error that I can't sort out.
I just built the Aurora wallet, first time, no problems, but this Maxcoin is so fussy.