As far as Algore being a BitCoin fan that doesn't negate all his previous Snake Oil Sales. I'm sure he's a real nice guy in person and he got all choked up when he watched "The Notebook".
Doesn't matter, he's STILL a scam artist.
Yeah man doesn't impact climate at all. It's all happening naturally and man can't impact shit at all.
Tell that to people using gas masks in Shanghai where they can't breath due to too much smog. Did you know they have warning signs in Shanghai when all car traffic has to stop because air is way too polluted?
Don't be a fucking tool man. Propaganda cuts both ways you know. Just because one party is right doesn't mean other party is wrong and vice versa.
What are you on about? There is a HUGE difference between creating pollution and CHANGING THE CLIMATE. ughhh
That was clear example nobody can deny of how man can change the climate for the worst. It's not just naturally occurring stuff. Get it jumbo?
liberals are so retarded
I'm a right wing libertarian you twat, just not the brainwashed monkey see monkey do kind without a will of his own that buys into all propaganda BS he hears from Alex Jones and other fat fucks.
a lot of assumptions you made in that post kid. Anyway, im not in the mood to get into an internet pissing contest with you. Think what you want, i dont care
People usually resort to name calling when they can't use reason. You're just like those shallow liberals saying "paul tards", resulting to cheap ad hominem attack. You've basically lost this argument. Now go home and pop a hamburger and a coke and drive that fat ass in your zero polluting SUV.
Dont get all high and mighty. YOU were the first one who acted out like a douche and started "name calling" so get out of here with that nonsense. I cant stand logically inconsistent people
Guess I've struck a nerve. Well, well check our exchange so far. You were the one who jumped the gun when running out of arguments.
Anyways point is people buy whole package coming from X or Y celebrity. They don't take the time to weed out the info and just take the full package. You're some anti-liberal so you must also be anti-global warming. How so fucking cliché! Monkey see monkey do as I was saying.
again you are making a lot of assumptions about my ideology. whatever.
And yes, you struck such a nerve with me that i really lost my capacity to even walk. or maybe i dont care about you or what you think. Its either one or the other