Maybe we can add some extra functionality or features to the mooncoin in order to revive it?
Edit: Just wanted to add, that the multipools are not bad from the ground up, but maybe they need to do something, to give back to the communities. Until then, we have to protect ourselves. On Reddit/Mooncoin someone said, coins have to cope with multipools. And when they survive this, they deserve a long life (something like that). That is basically right. So let's develop something to face the big pools.
And of course it needs to be mentioned, that multipool helped MOON out not so long ago, when we were stuck with high difficulty and unorganic pump-and-dump-price-fall (KGW not yet implemented, which now solved that problem) and the pool-operator was so kind to throw in some hashing-power for a short time to find the next blocks quickly. I assume they themselves are mad about the development at the moment, based on the massive hashing-power, bringing a lot of coins to their knees, not really knowing, what to do. So please, multipool-ops, think about some kind of solution as well. It's all some kind of symbiosis.
I like your idea, however letting something as important as difficulty up to a central authority (coinwars or an exchange) is too risky I think.
I rather thought of the coin's algorithm having implemented something to check that and adapt the difficulty accordingly to just keep below the profitability assumed by the mentioned sites. But in a way, you're right, as those sites can be manipulated too, which in turn could influence this and the dev could not react fast enough, because changing the algo and wallets takes too much time in this regard. Maybe assuming something like an average value, taken from the last days/weeks to calculate the profitability could help?
Do you have another idea?