It is very good that you've created this thread. I'm ok about renaming.
But I can't agree with any protocol changes based only on decisions made by people. This is because not all miners are continiously reading forum.
Any decision about protocol changes are to be made by hashpower-based voting. From my side I will agree on such a decision only if more than 50% of miners will agree. Without even such a simple majority from miners such changes are meaningless.
In case of hardfork that isn't supported by majority of miners the network will split into two nets with low-power fork and high-power not-forking branches. I don't think that this will be good for anybody.
Such a voting is easy to be implemented by setting minor_version of blocks to a specific value and counting decisions made after 1000 of blocks. Do you agree with such a procedure?
yes, idea is good. that's how cryptocurrency people should make decisions. i'm in!