But see the price hasnt tanked! when it started trading we had a 92,000.00 USD market cap
3 weeks later we have 432,000.00 USD market cap!...That is almost 500% GAIN IN 3 WEEKS!
The rest was just the whales doing their P/D...Am i missing something???
if you bought to high like me and believe in the coin AVG Down and swing trade it
If you don't believe in it and sold for a lose? Live and learn
But to continue to knit pick every little thing is just stupid IMO
Get behind the cause or move on to the next coin
I only bought a small amount, but thought I was smart averaging it out. I wasn't. I sold off at around an 85% loss, and it was the smart thing to do. The reason why was, it sunk even lower... and lower... and continues to sink. I used the small amount leftover on other trades, which made up some of the loss. And I ended up with half as many as I started with again, for free (via arbitrage trades, people dumped when it got really low).
I think people have a right to offer constructive criticism. It's not knit picking when the devs and Payu make really obvious mistakes, don't follow up on a single thing the community suggests, and then do their own bizarre thing (like insulting Lakota leaders).