So after the ICBM is done, how does it work to select companies getting accepted from the platform.
Someone has to decide which company is worth to be listed. Once some are selected and get ready to receive funds from the fund will there be different tokens with different names which represent shares
of this company or will this all be done with NEU tokens.
The platform will be release in Spring 2018
We will do basic due diligence to check if the company exists but basically any company registered wolrd-wide (excluding US) will be able to register on the platform and perform an ETO.
Every company will also release their own equity token with the customized token name.
Second thing, please let me know i am right. Within the first 18 months i have no other risk than loosing max. 10% of my ICBM funds if i want to see how things go forward an this is coded into the smart contract ?
If i am a long term ETH holder i could spend much more because of my reduced risk
Exactly. Yes its it feature of the smart contract totally independent of us. Even if admin dies, company disappears, private keys are lost you can still reclaim your ETH. Just to clarify during first 18 months you will loose 10% only if you decide to take your ETH back after that you can get the whole amount. And true for long term holders this is practically risk free. And so-to-speak perfect HODLing method
I watched the video from the german laywer. I think it would be very very helpful to spend a bit money to translate the whitepaper in german language.
You are right it would be very helpful, we will see what is possible. Do you think translating the lightpaper will already be helpful?
As you can see within the cryptoscene your project is not "hyped" and in my opinion heavly underweighted for what it offers which has to to more with your location, not with the idea itself.
Are there any plans out how to promote it or are you more betting to things will automatically go its way once it has started, as also after the ICBM its possible to yoin.
Neufund is in this unique position between two rather different communities: crypto and classical world.
While the response in the crypto world is rather limited we have been experiencing massive interested from the non crypto native investors who finally see a opportunity to take part. We have also a very strong position in non-crypto media.
Our goal is to build a legitimate and strong network of investors who are fully committed to the vision of the platform and herewith investing in companies on the platform. So, we do not aim to ride on a hype and collect any kind of funds from e.g. speculators but mostly from serious and conscious investors.
We can watch how much you raised from crypto side, how to watch the Fiat side ?
We don't have that in our pretty counter on the website but we are as transparent as its possible so everything is on-chain and visible.
This is contract that holds euro tokens - contract holds donated eth - this helps!