Well, Wallmart doesn't price its goods in "PLN". "PLN" worthless?
All cryptocoins are based in false premise, bits are difficult; money are scarce. It's not true. This constraint have nothing to do with the nature of money:
-Confidence, confidence could be expanded to credit.
-Reserve of value it's a merge of liquidity and confidence.
-Unit of account, simply math.
Fees, confirmations, blockchain and other "stones", sync, computer,...kill liquidity.
Confidence, what about confidence?
Difficult it's find gold in the river, people knowns, difficulty it's get meal (in some countries), ..., people knowns. Really people knowns? it's difficult point 40M/h at hour X to crypto currency Y, and gets Z coins/coupons.
Bitbar, like others, is a oximoron; no limit in imaginary world.
What the hell is "the byte gold bar"?
Wealth it's not related to one person (less to "special" bits), it's realted to society. You are rich, if people can offer you good things that you need, for your money,...,
The usage of money it is the only thing that should trigger inflation. I think that no one of cryptocoins it's taking speed of money as parameter. And the other political concepts that money has, more complex that "scarce bits"; or "gold" "bar" bytes.
It's my opinion.
No liquidity no money