NYAN: max 337 000 000 Coins
DOGE: max 100,000,000,000 Coins
so I would say 1NYAN for 300DOGE
would set this for standard
You would be correct if DOGE and NYAN were trading on the same level - but we have a long way to go until this point obviously. Might be possible one day though who knows!
they always want there power and hardware cost out of it... 1 NYAN/1 DOGE is way to cheap...
if that is the rate I would stop imediatly and start mining doge... I would get 100 times more doge then nyan...
just my 2c
Well I mean I did the math right now and if we look only at hash rate parity (you want to get the same rate for mining nyan as mining doge) then 1 nyan is worth roughly 1.3 doge right now. Things will obviously change if nyan hash rate goes up more but for now that is the best that makes sense. Simcom was right in that if I offered 2-1 then you can easily make more by selling nyan to me than you would mining doge which makes no sense from my perspective as a buyer.
you always must look to max coin supply... AND the demand/offer ratio
for example :
42 low hash rate (only 0.5GH/s) (380+ BTC => 200000000 doge's)