Edited to add more questions or points
Why does ohni need to give access to US.
Answer: The key here is you control your identity more than you have before.
1. When this is functional you wont require storing ID, phone numbers, names, social security, personal security information etc on centralized databases
You are verified souly on your unique address.
In this scenario everything is cenralised with ohni and the government as they have skeleton keys. Distributing the information across a blockchain does not remove the centralized access it has.
What happens if I lose that address?
2 Lets say you are a terroist, a domestic terrorist, criminal or any fasion of danger, it would be a much needed tool to assist keeping you the people safe.
This is NOT losing liberty for temporary security, it is more liberty with accountability.
I am losing privacy(liberty) by the US government gaining the ability to see more of my personal information and purchase history. The very suggestion that it will provide any extra security to society is exactly the same justification used for mass illegal spying. Consciously planning on becoming a part of this massive infringement of individual privacy is not a moral thing to do.
3. Lets say you are found unconscious, but the medic does not know who you are, where youre from, your age, allergies, medical history or anything.
He could potentially cause harm with his interventions.
As a medic myself i find it very useful to have the ability to verify all of that in moments.
Modernised life saving equipment also can communicate wih IoT to save your life.
There are many other more suitable solutions to this issue that are not built on the wholesale collection and exploitation of personal information.
What if the person who is unconscious does not want or would not consent to you having access to that information?
What if a device that has this kind of access is stolen, this would compromise every bodies medical history.
4 your daughter is kidnapped, with IoT, Smart ID and the help of honest police, your daughter can be rescued in minutes or hours, not days or years.
This is perhaps the most ridiculous case of FUD I have ever seen. Please explain any part of the idea where Ohni, IoT, Smart ID contribute to saving a kidnapped daughter.
Do you believe that many police don't honestly look for kids when they go missing, and that its such a systematic problem that a systematic solution is required?
Recovery in minutes would suggest GPS or some kind of real time tracking?
So ohni crop will know where we are at all times too?
Please see BlocksafeFoundations use case and relate that with identity.
The success of a different coin is in no way indicative of the merit of even a similar coin as so many little details go into making a successful crypto currency.
--Next question why should people trust us?
No one but YOU has your information, its your responsibility.
You hold your key not us.
This is a lie, there is a skeleton key by your own words, the US government has access to that data. If the US government has a skeleton key, who gave it to them?
It must have been given by ohni corp, which means ohni corp must have the key too.
--why should we be able to freeze
Please reflect on the fisrt major ethereum fork.
If they could have simply froze the criminals wallet, that could have been utilized to isolate and locate the stolen funds.
There have been countless thefts of crypto currencies, and they all suck and are difficult to recover from, but this is the trade off for privacy and control of your money.
Again, why should
you, be given control over
my money?
The moment Ohni has any value it would be extremely foolish for us to risk legal ramifications.
What legal ramifications?
Its for your benefit.
Said every person with bad intentions ever.
In the future with voting, we may see a true democracy, to justify actions such as freezing.
So now if I say something that people don't like they can freeze all my money after getting me fired?
Finally, the exhange associated with the question was holding tokens that were essentially stolen. With no cooperation and noticeable manipulation it was done. It did not happen overnight.
Please provide proof that the coins were stolen.
What is noticeable manipulation?
This also doesn't answer my questions of
why an exchange should list you. This is a question of practicality and already broken trust on ohni's part.
Again it would be extremely foolish for us to do that to, for example Bittrex.
If you coin being listed puts it at risk of failing, it is probably not a great idea to begin with.
I hope this clears up some worries.
Not really, you have contradicted your own whitepaper at least once.
We are 100% forthright about our intentions, we do however not tolerate unethical behavior and we speak our mind.
Since when have you guys been the arbiters of what counts as unethical behavior?
Do you think racism is unethical?
Is abortion?
Will this be enough for you guys to freeze coins?
I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not, but in the off chance it is serious. Lol, I am not John kelly Rose.
For what its worth, I used clean accounts for every time I ever touched anything related to ohni, if you really wanna ID me you will have to sue bitcointalk for my email
Good luck