You still have to wait the same time to have the same confidence that your transaction will not be reversed.
Nope this isnt true, if you look at teh double spend vulnerability study, what matters is how many blocks he falls behind, NOT TIME. Or you are going to have to prove this claim to me, as all the studies show it becomes increasingly harder to double spend for each block you fall behind, NOT FOR EACH MINUTE.
2. Security - Anyone who runs a decent sized BTC pool could subvert his hashing power to perform double spends on SolidCoin right now as the barrier to a 51% attack is far lower than bitcoin.
um 51% is still 51%. I get it would take less equipment but you also get the double spend attack? It's pretty damn limited, and a rogue pool op, would probably find more luck and less risk, just diverting found blocks into a different wallet, and his users would just think the pool was a but unlucky that day. This is also a weakness with bitcoin, and as such, meaningless. But once again the faster block speeds makes it harder, not easier as his time frame to exploit decreases. It is also mainly a non issue, people wait less confirmations for small transactions, more for larger.
3. We make it easy - You don't even have a client that will run on Debian based Linux.
source is there, so the problem is pebcak. You also dont really need a client, most pools will let you send to an exchange, and you can also create your own keys and just forget having a client. You also claim he made practically no changes to the btc code, and yet claim solidcoin sucks cause it doesnt work on debian.. well can you not get bitcoin to work on debian? sounds like you can, so ONE CLAIM OR THE OTHER HAS TO BE WRONG. I mean you say it is the same client as btc with miner changes and then bitch you cant make it work.
5. A plan for the future - Attacking the bitcoin developers, developers who have released stable clients for all platforms seems low.
when is the last time you saw an update for the client? Hows that encrypted wallet coming?
None of the points made on that page are valid. SolidCoin is less stable, less reliable, and less secure than bitcoin. No new features were added and the changes that have been made have destabilized the code making it significantly less trustworthy.
Nothing but fud.. and what has destabilized the code? what makes it less trust worthy? that sounds like liable I suggest you prove that or watch out you might get sued.
Seriously nothing but garbage here. I have a feeling it is someone upset BTC went so far down, or someone who made bad trades for SC. At the very very least, it is someone who did a piss poor job of proving his point.