Zergpool what happen?
Why no response?
Support query #11471 -> no answer
Personal msg -> no answer
Sorry guys, but ignore a request is not good, also a "stop to msg me" is allowed, but ignore support request is not a good sign.
I'm waiting....
i've also writed to support without any answer in 3 days.
Please can you give me one answer?
please party scrypt can be checked?
more than 2 week of mining at 240M (2 miner around 26% of dbg block) and now reveiced only 2.423439 dgb?
All the partecipants to party (4 peoples) received from 2 to 0.something dgb.
Also none of these 4 miner have found the block, so who found the dgb block(10878543)?
Here the screenshot https://ibb.co/PGgLtQZ
It's strange.