Hello there, apology for our slow response, was crazy few weeks and somehow the AAN Thread that was supposed to be moderated by one of our team members
went under the radar, sorry for that and we hope to keep this channel more active and much more in real time, same as we do with all our other community channels
that are growing super fast now.
As for your questions, yes indeed the web and mobile base platform is already developed and tested, with the virtual currency already as part of the platform from teh start, now after launching the initial Token we are busy to integrate it into the platform and launch the platform connected to the smart contract so people will be able to use and get rewarded in the platform.
The next release will be with teh Token already integrated and functional, so users can reward according to the proof of contribution mechanism we have in the system and now busy to fully expend it.
BuzzShow project is meant to be a long term ongoing project, EOS or a decentralized full scale network is our next destination, when we aim to be fully decentralized
but until than we have few more mile stones on our road map.
Hope to keep getting the support of all the great people around that love our project and support it
Thank you for your support
BuzzShow Team
You are 100% right, it is important channel for sure, but since Telegram became popular Crypto community, lots of the ongoing communication is happening in there, and as it is real time communication, many prefer it there this days.
But with all this still bitcointalk is very valuable channel to keep our community here as well
Many Thanks for the great inputs